NWEA MAP Testing - Math

About this Document This document correlates MAP® sub-goals and RIT ranges to Khan Academy® exercises. The Khan exercises are interactive problems for students with instant feedback: Having these exercises correlated to RIT ranges means you can use them in conjunction with your flexible student groupings that are also informed by RIT score results. The exercises are also useful for targeting learning in each student's zone of proximal development (Vygotsky). The correlation between MAP RIT scores and the Khan Academy exercises was determined by using our 2011 norms data to approximate grade levels, which were then matched to the corresponding Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

NWEA plans to work with Khan Academy to update these links twice a year as new exercises are developed.

How to Use:

  1. Use MAP reports to find the RIT scores for a given sub-goal.
  2. In this document, locate that same goal, approximate RIT range, and sub-goals.
  3. To choose appropriate Khan Academy exercises:
    • Consider both the name of the exercise and the CCSS standard.
  1. Deliver exercises to students.
      For example:
    • Paste the URL into an online document for students to access.
    • Present the exercise in the classroom.
    • Use for parent-teacher conference discussion

August 2015 NWEA

Khan Academy Practice Exercises Correlated to RIT for Common Core Math MAP for Grades 2-5

Khan Academy Practice Exercises Correlated to RIT for Common Core Math MAP Grades 6+

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